
Influencing Independence while developing your career

Influencing Independence while developing your career

Social care work is diverse, challenging, interesting and offers you the chance to make a difference in someone else life. Every day is different and whilst you may plan your day well, you can guarantee that there will be unexpected challenges for you to deal with. These challenges may be an extra visit out the shops, a change of care or a new client, but be assured each will benefit the lives of your clients and their families.

When you become a social worker, you will be trained in all aspects of the profession, from mental health to palliative care. There is scope for career progression and with the modern techniques and tools in place to assist someone to live the lives they choose, there is always something new to learn and use to enhance your client’s life. Care wyvern is keen on supporting their staff to progress and learn through their career journey.

There are many factors to think about when deciding to become a community-based carer and one of those is the cost of travelling around the area to support your clients. It is essential to have access to a safe and good working car, with an up to date MOT and business insurance. We are aware that over the years there has been concern, nationally, about the amount of time that carers are travelling in between calls, so we decided that we would support our carers by paying travel time as well as a mileage allowance.

Our carers support our clients through their day-to-day life, prompting medication, hospital visits, optician appointments, and any number of other holistic appointments. We feel that our carers would also benefit from an incentive where they have medical support so we offer a subsidised Health plan where you can claim back cash on your everyday healthcare costs, such as glasses, dentist, and Physiotherapist.

Recently we had an applicant in for an interview and one sentence stuck in our interviewers mind

“Care is not a stopgap job; it’s a career for me.”

It was such a valid and important statement, as we do not see carer as a stopgap job either. Social care work is a varied and diverse career with many challenges; it is one of the most rewarding paths that a person can follow. You impact on your client’s life and the lives of those around them in both good and bad times.

You may simply be preparing breakfast and a cup of tea, whilst a client gets dressed but this simple act helps maintain the client’s nutrition and hydration. Maybe you are assisting with a shower or bath, which allows your client to continue to live independently. At the other end of the scale, you may be spending time with a client with dementia to give their families respite care. Respite care is so important for long term live in carers, as it gives them time away to recharge and return to the mother or father and provide a better level of care.

Care Wyvern will continue to provide excellent care for our clients with the compassion and support given by our carers. They will continue to play a role in the development of the business and in turn, we strive to support each one of them with their career and life goals. If you would like to join our team please contact us on or contact Emma on 01823 325554 for an informal chat.

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