
The little things matter

The little things matter

This morning we walked back in the office, after the New Year’s celebrations, switched on the answering machine to hear one of our clients gush about one of our carers.

Our client, let’s call her Mrs A, is a woman who has struggled with her health and her personal motivation for some time but over the last few weeks she has found it increasingly harder to motivate herself . She lives on her own and has a daily visit from one of her regular Care Wyvern carers.

Our carer paid a visit to the Mrs A on her day off to support her to accomplish a few simple chores. I will add the carer is one of our Field Care Supervisors who know all the clients well and always make appointments before turning up at a client’s home.

Once the chores had been completed, the carer waved good-bye and went on with her day, not knowing that she had made such an impact on Mrs A’s day. In Mrs A’s voice message she was clearly very happy, almost excited. She told us how motivated she felt, how the carer had looked so beautiful that she had wanted to look like her, wanted to achieve like her and how she was so motivated she actually went into town. The level of praise made us all smile and feel very proud of the carers who work in the field. The carer is a modest woman and blushed upon listening to the wonderful praise off Mrs A.

I think, as a busy society we sometimes forget that “the little things” make a big difference is another person’s life and that spending as little as an hour with a vulnerable, lonely, or elderly person really does have an impact.

The New Year is here so maybe it’s time to add to your New Year’s Resolutions and take an hour out of your day or week and support someone to accomplish a goal. I can guarantee you will blush too!

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