Some questions you may want to ask us!

1) Can I view our most recent inspection?
All home care providers are routinely inspected by CQC, Care Quality Commission. These reports are published, so you can see exactly how well the provider meets the required standards of care. You can find Care Wyvern’s latest reports here
2) How do we train our staff?
It is so important to know that care is provided by skilled & knowledgeable carers. This level of expertise will make a big difference to you, or your loved one. All our Staff attend both an Induction and shadowing session before starting work or us. They receive training in:
- Care Wyvern’s Policies and Procedures
- Introduction to the Care Certificate Standards (CCS)
- Assisting with medication
- Food Hygiene, Nutrition, and Hydration.
- Health & Safety including Fire Safety
- Basic First aid
- Infection Prevention
- Moving & Handling- Theory & Practical
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
As well as ongoing training and support,many of which is tailored for individual clients.
3) Am I included in developing the Care Plan?
Care Wyvern has developed its own system to monitor and quantify care delivery against agreed target outcomes. We believe this is a major step forward in the delivery of care and offers individuals who are physically and mentally able the chance to improve their lives by working towards achieving agreed outcomes with Care Wyvern’s help.
4) Is the delivery of care documented?
It is reassuring to know that you can look at what care is being provided and whether any changes have occurred. Care Wyvern develops a Person centered care plan with each client and/or the relatives, which is kept in a secure place in each clients home. The carers document each visit and our field care supervisors monitor the Care plans weekly. Any and all changes are documented on our secure database in the office and updated in the Care plan.
5) How does Care Wyvern check and evaluate the quality of care?
Quality of care is vital in supporting you, or a loved one. Find out who will oversee the quality of care provided and how often they will visit to discuss the care you or your loved one receive.
6) Who do I call when you have questions or complaints?
The law requires care providers to have an effective system in place to identify, receive, handle, and respond appropriately to complaints and comments made by service users, or persons acting on their behalf. As a company, we aim to provide the best possible service, delivered safely and in a dignified manner to all our Clients; to achieve this we work closely with all parties and outside agencies. However, we realise that occasionally there may be a cause for complaint or query and it is our aim to resolve these as quickly as possible and to the satisfaction of those concerned. Our aim is to ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly, properly and effectively so that the complainant can feel confident that their complaint or query has been heard and acted upon.
If you would like a copy of our complaints policy please contact the office on 01823 325554 and request a copy or by providing your contact details and requesting a copy via the contact us page of this website.
7) Will the same carer visit all the time?
We believe that consistency of care works best for both client and carer as both parties get to know one another and their routines. However, it is never possible to rely on a single carer but Care Wyvern will seek to keep the number of carers visiting a client to the minimum.
8) How much notice does Care Wyvern require to set up service?
Ideally at least 48 hours but we know this is not always possible. It is sometimes possible to commence a service on the same day you contact us.
9) What are Care Wyvern’s operational hours?
We operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. However, the majority of our work begins at 7 am and continues all the way through to around 10 pm in the evening. We also provide care throughout the night, which is either in the form of a ‘Sleep In’, where the social care worker will be on hand to provide support and assistance should the client wake-up, or a ‘Waking Night’ service where the social care worker is expected to provide usual care and support. Please be aware that ‘Waking Night’ rates apply if a carer is disturbed three or more times during a night. For ‘Sleep Ins’ a freshly made bed needs to be provided.
10) Which geographical areas does Care Wyvern cover?
Most of our work is focused in the Somerset district of Taunton Deane where we provide a full range of home care services. We have recently started to expand into areas of West Somerset and have plans to work in Sedgemoor so please contact us to see if we can assist if you live in one of these locations.