
Bite size shots, who pays for Social care?

Bite size shots, who pays for Social care?

We recently came across these bite size videos from The Kings Fund.

They have put together a series of bite size, easy to understand videos explaining frequently asked questions  We have found them to be rather engaging, simple but informative and felt that they were worth sharing.

This particular video explains, simply what social care is and who provides social care. It talks about Local governments responsibilities to the growing older population, highlighting that they provide Information & Advice, Assessment, Short Term support , safeguarding and Commissioning. Commissioning is where providers, such as Care Wyvern come in to provide long-term support

“Many people are surprised to learn that social care is not free at the point of use in the way that NHS care is. Rather, social care is funded by people paying for their own care, by local government, or often a mixture of the two. Local government budget cuts have significantly increased pressures on the social care system, resulting in one of the most difficult policy challenges of our times. In this video we give an overview of how social care is funded.” Source: The Kings Fund




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