
Wednesday September 4th marks Professional Care Worker’s Day
Care Wyvern is proud to support Professional Care Worker’s Day and to give it’s staff the recognition they deserve. The knowledge and capabilities our staff provide daily makes a substantial and meaningful difference to our clients’ lives. This work is not always valued or recognised until a person may need to have care themselves.
For a long time the work that carers do has been undervalued, nonetheless, our staff continue to provide wonderful support to our clients, often making personal sacrifices to look after the people they care for.
In short thank you to all our staff for the remarkable and astounding work they do every day. Staff were presented with a hand made card, made by Operations Manager Tina East, and a mini bottle of bubbly by Care Wyvern’s Managing Director Ru Newman.
Ru Newman, Managing Director & Ross Chilcott, Carer Ru Newman, Managing Director & Tash Bowden, Key Worker Jill Pratten, Supervisor & Ru Newman, Managing Director